Saturday, July 01, 2006

David Bowie - Asset or Liability?

My friend, writer Derek Hill, and I stumbled across a game involving Mick Jagger while watching videos of the Rolling Stones one late, smoky night. Called "Asset or Liability?" we charted Mick's evolution from cool countercultural icon to embarrassing fashion victim possessed by an undiagnosed physical disability whereby he cannot control or curb his nonstop spastic movements. His overarching evolution can be traced through the '60s (where he was a cool asset) through the '70s (mixed bag, but weighing heavily towards liability) through now (vocal asset, physical and lyrical liability). Variations and anomalies, of course, do occur, and the asset/liability pendulum can swing several times, even within the course of one song!

Charting the course of David Bowie's career, we see less of a steady decline. Surprisingly, Bowie has stayed an asset throughout most of his career, successfully maneuvering between the almost irreconciliable poles of commercial viability and artistic integrity. That's why it's all the more shocking when he does go wrong (Surprise! He went way wrong with a certain Mick Jagger in the '80s. Remember Dancing in the Streets, anyone?). In this clip, he goes very wrong. All I can figure is Cher bribed him with a hefty paycheck, obscene amounts of coke, and possibly a roll in the hay. Fans of the late Bill Hicks will know exactly what's going on here. It involves Bowie and a certain engorged member belonging to the Lord of Darkness.

David Bowie & Cher


At 2:37 PM, Blogger lynda said...

Ha! Just two days ago I said to Derek, "Remember Dancing in the Streets? Liability, definitely." And still, until you mentioned it here, I had completely repressed the memory of Bowie's involvement.


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